Adi Kerr - Freelance Creative

The NTIA presents: #SaveNightlife


The NTIA presents: #SaveNightlife

The NTIA collaborating with director Adi Kerr from PUSH/Gas & Electric have produced a video at Fabric, showing their support for the club and the ongoing appeal alongside the national campaign to message MP’s and Councillors across Britain so that everyone that loves nightlife and clubs like Fabric, Glasgow’s former The Arches, Mode and our enormously loved cultural hubs can have their voices heard.

The video has two objectives. Firstly to raise as much support and awareness for the SaveFabric fund. It will be an expensive battle and Fabric need everyone to stand with them and contribute to the campaign fund to help retain a small fabric team, the venue in hibernation and to prepare a legal battle to re-open and stop this police oppression. The last time they took the police on they won, but they need the support from everyone.

The issues facing Fabric are being experienced by venues across the UK. Nightclubs and live music venues have been closing at an alarming rate over the last 5 years. The NTIA has been set up to fight against the unfair treatment of venues - not only stop the closures but also promote the huge benefits of night culture. Save Nightlife has combined with Nightlife Matters. is the campaign which gives all the people who love nightlife an opportunity to have a say. For every signature an email is automatically sent to your local councillor and MP expressing your support for the campaign and your concern regarding the ongoing closures. If everyone stands together and does this today then we will have a more powerful voice for the authorities to listen. Having the support of the public makes a huge difference in terms of influencing the direction of decisions made about licensing. Our Manifesto is short and simple and aims to drive the changes we need.


Director: Adi Kerr

D.O.P.: Tom O'Keefe
Location Sound: Xan Marques Caneda
Production Assistant: Vanessa McDonnell

Sound Mix: Jack Townley @ Wise Buddah
Grade: Oisin O'Driscoll

Music: Dense & Pika - Crackling (Hot Flush)

Thanks to;

Gas & Electric for production support
Film Store Rental for camera and lighting
The Mill for grade time
Wise Buddah for sound mix